Feel free to pass this font around to your friends. I ask that you include all three files when you do so, and it wouldn't hurt for you to encourage them to send in the fee described below. User groups, Bulletin Boards, and other online services are granted permission to distribute this font, so long as they do not charge for it beyond the cost of media or connect time (as applicable). Software services such as EduCorp and The-Disk-of-the-Month Club are prohibited from distributing this font unless they receive written permission from me first.
Finally, since no good deed goes unpunished, it would be helpful if you remembered that this was font is shareware. I made this font for the fun of it, and I certainly don't plan and retiring on the money I make from it, but please, it is a Klingon font, so do the honoroable thing and send in your shareware payment. If the font is for your personal use please send me five dollars. If you use this font as part of a commercial venture (e.g., printing Klingonaase slogans on T-shirts on conventions) then you've found a way to make money off of it and should share the wealth, so send me thirty dollars.
If you like, you can print out the shareware form provided in the next chapter, or, if you prefer, just send a cheque to the address below.